Authentication telemetry
Authentication telemetry provides information on authentication-related objects and operations.
Identity metrics
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | entities | The number of distinct entities (across all namespaces) that created a token during the past month. |
Vault reports
at the start of each month
when client counting is enabled.
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | entities | The number of distinct entities (across all namespaces) that created a token during the current month. |
Vault reports
periodically during
the month when client counting is enabled.
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | entities | The number of distinct entities (across all namespaces) that created a token during the configured reporting period. |
Vault reports
at the start of
each month when client counting is enabled.
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | non entities | The number of distinct non entities (across all namespaces) that created a token during the past month. |
Vault reports
at the start of each month
when client counting is enabled.
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | non entities | The number of distinct non entities (across all namespaces) that created a token during the configured reporting period. |
Vault reports
at the start of
each month when client counting is enabled.
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | aliases | The number of identity entities aliases (per authN mount) currently stored in Vault |
Vault updates the alias count every usage_gauge_period
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | entities | The number of identity entity aliases (across all namespaces) currently stored in Vault. |
Metric type | Value | Description |
counter | number | The number of identity entities created across all namespaces. |
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | entities | The total number of identity entities currently stored in Vault |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time required to upsert an entity to the in-memory database and, on the active node, persist the data to storage |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time required to upsert group membership to the in-memory database and, on the active node, persist the data to storage |
Lease metrics
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken to retrieve lease times by token |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken to retrieve lease times |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | leases | The total number of pending revocation jobs by queue_id |
The queue ID in the queue_id
label indicates the mount accessor associated
with the expiring lease. For example, the secrets engine or authentication method.
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | leases | The total number of pending revocation jobs |
Metric type | Value | Description |
counter | number | The number of lease expirations to date |
Metric type | Value | Description |
counter | number | The total number of lease expiration errors |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken for a lease to get to the front of the revoke queue |
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | leases | The number of leases set to expire, grouped by the configured interval |
The relevant time intervals are defined in the telemetry stanza for your Vault server configuration with the following parameters:
: 1 hour (default)num_lease_metrics_buckets
: 168 hours (default)add_lease_metrics_namespace_labels
: false (default)
Vault reports the number of leases due to expire every lease_metrics_epsilon
interval in the time period current_time + num_lease_metrics_buckets
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | leases | The number of leases that cannot be automatically revoked |
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | leases | The total number of leases eligible for eventual expiry |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken to register leases associated with new service tokens |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken for register operations |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken to renew a token |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken to renew a lease |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken to revoke all secrets issued with a given token |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken to forcibly revoke a token |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken to revoke all tokens on a prefix |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time taken to revoke a token |
Token metrics
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | number | Number of un-expired and un-revoked tokens available for use in the token store |
Vault updates the token count every 10 minutes organizes the result by cluster and namespace.
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | number | Total number of service tokens created by a particular auth method |
Vault organizes the token count by cluster, namespace, and authentication method.
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | number | Total number of service tokens with a particular policy attached |
Vault organizes the token count by cluster, namespace, and policy. Tokens with more than one policy attached appear in the gauge for each associated policy.
Metric type | Value | Description |
gauge | number | Total number of service tokens assigned a particular time to live (TTL) |
Vault organizes the token count by cluster, namespace, and the TTL range assigned at creation.
Metric type | Value | Description |
counter | number | Number of root tokens created |
The vault.token.create_root
counts the total number of root tokens created
over time, not the number of root tokens currently in use. As a result, the
value of vault.token.create_root
does not decrease when a root token is
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time required to create a token in Vault |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time required to create a token accessor in Vault |
Metric type | Value | Description |
counter | number | Number of service or batch tokens created |
Vault organizes the creation count by cluster, namespace, authentication method, mount point, time to live (TTL), and token type.
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time required to look up a token in Vault |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time required to fully revoke a token tree in Vault |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time required to revoke a token in Vault |
Metric type | Value | Description |
summary | ms | Time required to store an updated token entry without writing to the secondary index |